We provide fully managed social, mental and behavioral health care navigation.

61% of doctors report wishing they could do more to help patients meet their social, behavioral and mental health needs.
The problem? The average clinican is already spread razor thin. Between managing a full panel, ordering labs, updating charts, ordering prescriptions, following up with patients (and the list goes on...), there is little time left to consult patients on their community-based needs.
This is where Apcivic Health comes in. Our compassionate care navigators work with referred patients to understand needs and eligibility, and to get patients connected to appropriate and timely services.
At Apcivic Health, we are proudly working toward a future in which no one faces social, mental or behavioral health barriers to care.
Compassionate care is only the beginning.

Diagnose needs and document care objectives. During a scheduled conversation, a care navigator spends time understanding the patient's needs and documenting goals of care.

Refer patients to community-based resources. Based on patient needs and in light of the goals of care, the care navigator refers the patient to suitable resources in the community. This may take place during the initial needs analysis, or alternatively, may require a follow-up depending on complexity of the case.

Perform timely follow-up. On a cadence agreed to by the patient, the care navigator checks in with the patient to ascertain whether goals of care are being met. Additional needs analysis and referrals may be made at this time.

Close the loop with the referring practice. Apcivic shares a patient care summary, including need identified, interventions applied and outcomes achieved, with the referring physician office.
Our care navigators routinely address a range of patient needs.
Food needs
Housing and utility assistance
Access to care
Mental/behavioral health resources
Education planning
Employment opportunities
Domestic safety
Daycare needs
Substance recovery
Improve patient health outcomes. Improve lives.

Recapture time. Save up to 5 minutes per patient per screen when screening data is captured via the Apcivic platform.

Improve health outcomes. As much as 80% of a person's health is a function of non-medical needs. Partner with Apcivic to address those needs and improve patient wellbeing.

Get back to doctoring. Focus on what matters — patient medical care — while Apcivic worries about the rest.

"As a career-long mental health clinician, I'm excited to see Apcivic connecting more people to the services they desperately need. That’s a win for health plans, providers, CBOs, and most importantly, for the people served."
-Claire Ryder, Director of Business Development and Social Innovation, Resources for Human Development